The great pyramid of wheezer

Two weeks ago, I joined a running club.  The idea was that I run on Saturday mornings with other people, making it more sustainable and drawing on the encouragement of others.

Hmmm.   As i don my thermal underwear ready to join them again this morning, I wonder.  Last time, we did what's known as a pyramid run.  1 minute jog, 1 minute hard run, 1 minute jog, 2 minute hard run, etc, etc, all the way up to 4 minutes hard run and back down.  

Jesus.  On the first pyramid, I nearly coughed up my lung like an old chamois leather.  And I had other runners around me blasting through it. The second pyramid was slightly easier, but the whole experience was also affected by the fact that it was minus 1 degrees.  So all this begs the question-is it easier to be motivated if you have others around you?

Generally, people seem to think so.  People who do training for football or rugby will talk about the encouragement of their team mates.  Runners will often say they like running alone but also enjoy the company of a running partner.  

I am as yet undecided.  I do know that when I spent 18 months working from home, I found self-motivation EXTREMELY difficult.  When I come wheezing back after this morning's run, depleted and needing a hug, I may be in a better position to decide.  Depends if they make me run a pyramid again...
